Friday, October 22, 2010

Parlez Vous & the Pink Beret

The teenager is taking French this year. 

His classroom is a hoot—everything is pink. 

There’s even a little cafĂ© area with pink chairs and a little pinkish awning.

I really must take photos one day.

Anyway, the kids have to wear berets every day, which the teacher sewed for them, or else they have points deducted.

The kids got to choose the color fabric they wanted and the teenager, of course, picked the fabric closest to him, which happened to be—pink!

So every day, until yesterday, he’s sat in his morning French class wearing this…

His Pink Beret
Yesterday, a ninth grader gave him her old beret from last year, which happens to be navy.

His now discarded, pink beret
I can’t believe he sat in class every morning wearing a pink beret—and never once complained!

Sometimes I wonder—which alien planet abducted my son!

Thursday, October 21, 2010

Dear Blog-o...

I’ve missed you. 

I’ve missed writing all manner of drivel about life here on the high-altitude plain.

I’ve missed posting goofy photos, that only “my quirky sight” finds amusing.  

When I look back, years from now, will I remember what caused this hiatus?

Will I remember that I spent practically every waking hour, into the weeist hours of the morning and every weekend—much to the chagrin of the Legal Dude—studying?

Will I remember that during these past two months, the Legal Dude—after working a full day, and then some—has come home to cook dinner, practically every night?

Will I remember that the teenager has queried, more than once, “Um, Mom? Do I have clean socks?”

Will I remember that I sat in the Legal Dude’s office and cried, when I got an 82% on my first art project?  

Or how proud I felt when I told him I got a 92% on the second?

Will I remember how inept and inarticulate I feel, sitting in class thinking, “man, I just sounded so ignorant!”

Will I remember this day—this night—when my professor told me "so, you’ve been accepted into the graduate program” in early childhood education with a concentration in curriculum and instruction?

You bet I will!

I hope I remember it all.

Congratulations to me!