Friday, August 20, 2010

Study Mates--will travel

Back in May, I posted a brief note about these tasting looking pre-packaged "Study Mates," which were a new addition at the University Bookstore.

I thought it was kind of a strange time to start offering them, seeing how the semester was already over, but then there was summer school.

I have since found a use for them--my niece, at the University of Illinois.

I remember how much I enjoyed the care packages my mom sent, with homemade carrot cake, etc., when I was a college student.

I'm sure they offer these same "Study Mates" at the U of I, or something better, but then again, college students don't have much in the way of money and besides, it's always nice to get a care package.

I hope she enjoys them!

Now, if someone would just send this university student one, with chocolate cake...

Thursday, August 19, 2010

A change of heart…

As I glance out the windows, I can see the Jr. High football team(s) practicing across the street.

They’re in uniform this afternoon and look so grown-up. I think they must be scrimmaging.

I’m feeling conflicted.

Several weeks ago, the teenager said, he was “going to join the football team. “

I said, “Oh-no you’re not!”

Football—in my book—is one of those more injury prone sports.

[Forget all the face masks and mouth guards basketball players wear!]

The teenager insisted he was going to join the team—that is, until he learned he would have to attend his first practice at 7:00 A.M., this past Monday morning, and at which point he had a total change of heart.

I thought I would feel a sense of relief, which I do—sort of.

As I watch the boys gather and practice, a part of me wishes my teenager was out there, running around, communing and bonding with his fellow schoolmates. [He decided to switch schools and attend the Jr. High this year, and while he does have friends who attend, he still will be a new kid.]

Then the afternoon storms move in, the wind picks up and the rain—maybe—starts to fall and, I think better of it.

Once the lighting moves in, though, I’m all for his change of heart.

Besides, basketball season isn’t that far off after all.

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

A tale of two students…

Today my niece begins a new adventure—as a college freshman.

My brother and SIL dropped her off this afternoon.

I remember quite clearly, all those years ago, waving goodbye as my parents drove away, leaving me in comfort amidst a bevy of newly acquired—yet equally nervous and equally excited—friends.

I hope my niece has the same luck—finding cherished friends her very first day, in the first few hours.

Today, as a parent, I can appreciate what my brother and SIL must be feeling—something I couldn’t fathom as college freshman.

I wish my niece joy and happiness in her new adventure and my brother and SIL peace and comfort as they adjust to their half-empty nest.

While my niece and her parents were traveling down Interstate something-or-other, I was on the UWYO campus running from building to building, checking schedules, filing out tuition waivers and purchasing textbooks in anticipation of classes beginning anew on Monday morning.

Unlike my niece, I don’t have to wave goodbye to anyone or move out of my home.

While perusing my textbooks, however, I have to wonder if my niece and I might be experiencing a similar emotion—nervousness about course work.

Aaack! as “Cathy” would say.

Friday, August 13, 2010

A year ago yesterday...

On August 12, 2009, we pulled into Laramie for the last and the first time.

It was the last time as visitors, and the first time as permanent residents.

Hard to believe it’s a year since we upended our lives to begin anew.

It’s been a good run.

Happy Friday the 13th—may it bring you loads of luck today!

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Like clockwork…

The western sky has turned dark and ominous.

The eastern sky is blue and clear.

Shortly after noon, the westward expanse foretold what was to come.

I’ve been watching the encroaching cloud cover, looking for all its worth like an ominous Hollywood horror set.

Lightening, in it’s own frighteningly beautiful way—white shards of vertical static electricity—has been flashing in the near distance and quite possibly touching down.

The poor little trees in our yard once again bravely battle against the Wyoming winds.

The rain has since moved in and as it pelts the house—the windows—the trees, the thunder shakes, rattles and rolls.

Par for the course the storm passes quickly, lasting not more than 10 minutes.

The sky has flipped flopped, leaving the western sky its usual bright blue and white as the storm moves eastward in the direction—I’m afraid—of you my peeps.

I hope not.

I hear tell Chicago’s been pelted, not once but twice, this season.

Here’s hoping it continues to stay dry...

Monday, August 2, 2010

Birthday boy…

Today my baby turns 14.

Hard to believe, especially since some days he acts like he’s, two.

Happy birthday to my teenager, who as of today, really is a teenager!

August 1, 2009…

we pulled out of our driveway to head westward.

The journey—our adventure—began a year ago today.

Today, a year later, our journey continues to unfold, and where it will end—or where a new one begins—is yet untold.

I’m glad we took the offer, decided to make the journey and start a new chapter in our lives.

It hasn’t always been easy, and at times lonely.

But what’s life without deviating off the main road now and again, for a little adventure?

Happy August, one and all!