Friday, August 20, 2010

Study Mates--will travel

Back in May, I posted a brief note about these tasting looking pre-packaged "Study Mates," which were a new addition at the University Bookstore.

I thought it was kind of a strange time to start offering them, seeing how the semester was already over, but then there was summer school.

I have since found a use for them--my niece, at the University of Illinois.

I remember how much I enjoyed the care packages my mom sent, with homemade carrot cake, etc., when I was a college student.

I'm sure they offer these same "Study Mates" at the U of I, or something better, but then again, college students don't have much in the way of money and besides, it's always nice to get a care package.

I hope she enjoys them!

Now, if someone would just send this university student one, with chocolate cake...

1 comment:

  1. Aww, that is super nice! Care packages are fun to put together and to receive! :) Thx for all the comments. As for photo programs, I don't have any editing software on my home computer. I can put the photos from an SD disk to my computer using whatever came with it, but it doesn't have editing capabilities. At work, I just use the basic program there, as well, and then CS4PS for special editing for work. A dear friend of mine who is an excellent photographer told me about something called "Lightroom" from Adobe. I heard it is easier to use than PS.
