Tuesday, August 17, 2010

A tale of two students…

Today my niece begins a new adventure—as a college freshman.

My brother and SIL dropped her off this afternoon.

I remember quite clearly, all those years ago, waving goodbye as my parents drove away, leaving me in comfort amidst a bevy of newly acquired—yet equally nervous and equally excited—friends.

I hope my niece has the same luck—finding cherished friends her very first day, in the first few hours.

Today, as a parent, I can appreciate what my brother and SIL must be feeling—something I couldn’t fathom as college freshman.

I wish my niece joy and happiness in her new adventure and my brother and SIL peace and comfort as they adjust to their half-empty nest.

While my niece and her parents were traveling down Interstate something-or-other, I was on the UWYO campus running from building to building, checking schedules, filing out tuition waivers and purchasing textbooks in anticipation of classes beginning anew on Monday morning.

Unlike my niece, I don’t have to wave goodbye to anyone or move out of my home.

While perusing my textbooks, however, I have to wonder if my niece and I might be experiencing a similar emotion—nervousness about course work.

Aaack! as “Cathy” would say.

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