Tuesday, March 22, 2011

A Mighty Wind…

We have another high wind advisory today.

As gas pumped into my car and I stood washing the back windshield, I momentarily wondered: can a wind gust possibly yank the pump out of the gas tank?

It’s that fierce—but not the fiercest we’ve had, not by any means.

The Middle School soccer team is out practicing, and they’re not blowing over.

But the garbage cans have taken, yet, another tumble. 

I get such a kick out of the scenes I see every other week or so on trash day.  

Unfortunately, I can never get a shot of the hilarity I see in it all.

My camera battery has gone dead so I couldn’t get a shot of the tumble weeds blowing down the streets. 

Believe it or not, we get quite a few tumble weeds blowing all over the place, but I have yet to capture it on film. 

And here I thought: tumbling tumble weeds are only in the movies…

Down with the flu—and bronchitis

That was me, all last week.

And it was Spring Break—bummer!

I had plans for all kind of fun and to tackle all the things I’ve let slide since the beginning of the semester.

Oh well—even the best laid plans…

It was only late Sunday evening that I finally began to feel all human again.

Good thing—cause a classmate from grade school passed on through.

That’s right—from “grade school!” 

Anyway, now that Spring Break has come and gone, I’m on the mend.

Talk about the “imp of perversity!”

Sunday, March 13, 2011

Road with a view...

This is one of the views I see when I leave my riding lesson, an eight minute or so drive form the house.

Too bad I can't capture the true beauty of it all.

A baking Lesson

A friend makes a really delicious Jewish Rye.

The Legal Dude loves Jewish Rye.

Since baking at 7,200 can be a bit of a challenge, she offered to give me a lesson.

We spent the day—after my early morning class—baking, visiting and eating (she also made a delicious carrot soup).

My friend says good flour and a good recipe are the two key ingredients for successful bread baking.

The flour

The recipe

All mixed up

The first rise

The second rising

The final product--Jewish Rye

The Cookbook
We also made Oatmeal bread, equally delicious and a no knead recipe.

Since winter will be around for another two months—it snowed again this evening—I will have plenty of opportunity to practice my bread baking skills.

And also try my hand at that delicious soup recipe...

Monday, March 7, 2011


My mission these past two weeks has been to write a satire—actually, a sequel to a satire on the history of curriculum, specifically, the Paleolithic Saber Tooth Curriculum...  

It was due at midnight.
It was seven pages strong when I began finalizing early Sunday morning. 

The minimum requirement was 2,400 words or, roughly, ten pages give or take.

At 11:53 p.m. it was 5,000 plus words and fourteen pages long.

Hopefully I won’t be dinged for verbosity.

I may not have hit all the points—or any, for that matter—but feel it's decently written and quite humorous in parts (it made me laugh!).

Alas, this morning, I noticed a number of mechanical errors—missing words, lack of apostrophes, etc.

Why-oh-why can’t I see these glaring errors prior to submission?

Oh that's right—it was midnight when I read my final draft!

The teenager, bless his teen heart, gave me a warm fuzzy this morning.

He asked if I made the deadline. 

I said, yes, but had noticed—too late—a number of errors. 

He said, “That’s okay, I’m sure you’ll get “100”—you always get 100s".

Ain’t he sweet!

Speaking of the teenager…

He’s reading “The Sword in the Stone,” which I had no idea is a satire, for Honor's English.  

He, too, had to write a satire.

While it has a bit of an “Ick’ factor (it’s titled “Veggie Ball” and is about football—need I say more?), it’s definitely witty and satiric!

I went looking for it this morning—for posterity sake—but with flash drives, documents have a way of disappearing from his laptop.

Saturday, March 5, 2011

Something new--videos!

Still tethered...my first riding lesson 

Untethered and cantering...my second lesson.  
The funny thing about cantering...

While cantering, I feel like we're zipping around really, really fast!  

In seeing the video, however, it looks like we're moving in slow mo...

Having loads of fun though!