Sunday, March 13, 2011

A baking Lesson

A friend makes a really delicious Jewish Rye.

The Legal Dude loves Jewish Rye.

Since baking at 7,200 can be a bit of a challenge, she offered to give me a lesson.

We spent the day—after my early morning class—baking, visiting and eating (she also made a delicious carrot soup).

My friend says good flour and a good recipe are the two key ingredients for successful bread baking.

The flour

The recipe

All mixed up

The first rise

The second rising

The final product--Jewish Rye

The Cookbook
We also made Oatmeal bread, equally delicious and a no knead recipe.

Since winter will be around for another two months—it snowed again this evening—I will have plenty of opportunity to practice my bread baking skills.

And also try my hand at that delicious soup recipe...

1 comment:

  1. Yum!!!!!! What a great way to spend the day!!! Sorry about the snow.. it just never ends!!!
