Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Study break...

Arthritis and age make it necessary to get up every so often—every 60 to 90 minutes—to  stretch, walk around and get the blood flowing again.

I’d do the same working in an office—check the water cooler, grab a cuppa joe, hit the loo or chat with a co-worker.

At home, I sometimes fix a snack.

Been enjoying the totally awesome peaches from the farmer’s market and I think they’re just too perfect not to share...

Fresh peaches with greek yogurt--Yum!
Of course the peaches don't come cheap!
Too bad the season’s nearly over.


Now that I've totally wasted your time and mine, it’s back to the books…

1 comment:

  1. That's my breakfast! Especially the Greek yogurt - the honey type.. Yum.yum.yum. I also add Bob's Red Mill Missuli (something like that!)...
