Tuesday, December 14, 2010


That’s right. 
The semester is over and I am done—done—done—until January 10 that is.
Friday was my last day. 
I didn’t have finals per se, rather several intense projects due during finals week.
I wish I could say that I was totally organized, got an early start and completed all tasks ahead of time.
Alas, I was boring down on the keyboard until the very last minute Friday evening.
In my defense I had been living assignment to assignment.
Four separate units would open 8 am Monday morning and when they closed, and all assignments completed and submitted, it would begin all anew. 
A never ending cycle that, literally, kept me busy 24/7.
One course in particular kept me buzzing and up into the wee hours of the morn.  
But it’s all over and I can now relax, sort of. 
I’m still waiting on two grades—I'm a little nervous about one and hugely nervous about the other.
I managed to maintain solid A’s in all classes.
I’m worried, however, that my perfect GPA will be tarnished by a less than stellar grade in one course, which is sad, because I loved that class, the Prof, the readings, etc., etc.
It’s a lesson learned though: I’ll be taking as many citation and bibliography sessions as I can this next semester.
As one of the Legal Dude’s colleagues recently queried—“Isn’t being a full-time student such a luxury?”
Yep, it truly is and I am so profoundly grateful, and immensely enjoying the luxury of it all.   
Therefore, it makes no sense to do anything less than my absolute and personal best.      
Hope all has been well with everyone out there...


  1. Hi! I was so excited to see your comment this afternoon... because it so happens we have been thinking about you guys! So sorry we have been awful about keeping touch... We were commenting that we really miss seeing you all and made a vow to finally have you over. :) Thank you for your comment and can't wait for you to meet the new little guy. He is doing really well and is such a sweet little baby and the girls adore him!

    Congrats on the end of the semester! That is wonderful! Talk to you soon!

  2. It's nice to hear from you. Congrats on finishing your semester.

  3. You are doing such a great job! I think being a student is a lot of hard work. Especially if you are in a professional program or pursuing a degree later in life. It can be a real challenge. I've seen you rise to that challenge and succeed. So, even if you don't maintain a 4.0, know that you are achieving something good and improving yourself as a person. To me, that's a rounding success!
