Friday, December 24, 2010

Happy Holidays!

Holiday Cheer to all!

We didn't make it to my folks in the Midwest this year to celebrate Christmas with them and the rest of my family. 

We're disappointed, but with the thick fog that has rolled in, we're glad to be cozy in our house this evening.

I tried to get photos but alas, this is the best I could do

 Although our little family doesn't celebrate Christmas, this is what we had roasting this afternoon (plus all the trimmings)...

 We figured we would be eating this at my brother's house, so why not here in little ole Laramie.

It was the smallest bird they had, but at 13 lbs, I think we'll be eating turkey for some time to come.

Stay safe, be warm and be happy!

1 comment:

  1. Happy Holidays to you and your family. We had a wonderful time at J and Th's last evening. It was terrible driving home. It had snowed the entire time we were there. Not lots of snow but enough and the trucks were not out in Dupage County. Cook county was much much better. Thanks for all the gifts. Loved the ornament you sent me.Miss you guys.
