Tuesday, June 15, 2010

To toss, or not to toss—

that is the question.

When we moved here last August, we arrived with a truck full of furniture and belongings, and hundreds upon hundreds of pounds of “stuff” we paid good money to move, only to have it sit in boxes—or on shelves—lo these past 10 months.

Granted, we don’t have nearly the amount of cabinet, or shelf space, we had back east, and some of it is unsorted family photos and things the teenager made, wrote and created over the years that I just can’t seem to part with.

I’ve begun to sift through the “stuff” stuff and to weed out those things we haven’t used, or seemed to need, since we moved here.

Over the weekend, I spied four or five cookie tins—filled with Halloween, Valentine Day, Hanukkah, Christmas and other specialty cookie cutters—that the Legal Dude has placed high on a shelf in the storage room in the basement.

miss mash from one of the containers

I don’t have room in the kitchen cabinets or the drawers for these oh-so essential tools of the trade of any self-respecting mom who has the time to bake.

My child, however, is now a teenager who seems to despise everything he once loved and embraced, and at nearly 14 years of age, would prefer to pull his own fingernails out rather than have his mom bake cookies using “cookie cutters” for his class or his mates.

So—I’m thinking, maybe it’s time to pass them forward, to a neighbor who has a three- and a seven-year old.

They celebrate Hanukkah and Christmas, and all the holiday baking I do these days seem to be bar or drop cookies, rugelach, peppermint marshmallows or other goodies that don’t require cookie cutters.

Besides, I’m hoping NOT to be a grandma anytime soon, like say within the next fourteen to sixteen years!

By then, who knows what the whole cookie-baking industry will be and I’m certain my cookie cutters will be considered obsolete.

Then again, maybe I have some “soon to be vintage antiques,” if I keep them that long.

So back to my query—to toss, or not to toss?

That is my dilemma...


  1. There are other uses for cookie cutters (I think I passed most of mine on to Victoria). They can be used in making shapes in crafts as well as in applique designs in quilting. Just a thought. RYC

  2. I say keep a few for emergencies and fun stuff.. I have seen some real cute wreaths with cookie cutters tied on with raffia. Or, baskets of goodies, with cookie cutters attached... They would also be a perfect wedding shower gift, or white elephant party gift...Don't feel bad.. I have boatloads of them, too...

    Or, fill them with 'stuff'... and give them away as ornaments... they would make great ornaments in a garland, too, for any season!
    I got crazy 2 years ago and did some major purging.. including a cherry pitter.. Guess what I wanted desperately the following summer? Yep. I bought a new one!

  3. I vote keep. If you have duplicates or ones you don't really use, give those away. But it looks like you have some unique and fun shapes. Pack them away with the holiday stuff so you know where they are, but I definitely vote to keep. :)

  4. Oh, I like Andi's idea of regifting them. That is a great idea and will save you some $ at holiday time. Waste not, want not.
