Tuesday, April 27, 2010

A Day to like...

Despite my cheery disposition with my two men regarding our late spring storms, this past weekend's weather was starting to get to me.

It's all fun and even kind of exciting, but it is the end of April after all, and more snow is predicted for the end of the week.

We had an acquaintance fly in from Southern California over the weekend.

It was "iffy" if his flight was even going to be able to land in Laramie on Saturday afternoon.

Since the roads were closed, there was no way we would have been able to drive to Denver to get him if the plane had been forced to detour.

He left late yesterday afternoon, but unfortunately some cloud cover and a quick, short burst of wind and snow come in just as the plane was ready to taxi down the runway.

So it sat for about 45 minutes, which meant he missed his connection in Denver.

But today?

Oh my...sunny, warm and gorgeous!

While it may technically be spring around the rest of the country, it's still "winter" here in our little neck of the woods.

But who can complain, when "winter" is as gorgeous as it is today...


  1. Did you hear that the University HAS to allow Bill Ayers to speak?

  2. Chris: Yeah, I heard it yesterday. Don't think I'm going to go hear him...too much studying for tomorrow, but...maybe.
