Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Frontier Woman perseveres

[Written but never posted last week.]

Last Wednesday night we truly experienced Wyoming’s frigid weather for the first time.

The temp dropped overnight to -25.

Yep. You read that right…-25.

Our master bathroom pipes froze.

They’re on an outside wall facing West…from whence Mariah blows…and boy has she been blowing as of late.

Fortunately, the pipes did NOT burst and lucky for me, I was able to coax them back to room temperature…with help from the plumbing company and my dad.

Thank g-d they were all in at 6:45 am.

I did what they told me….

I opened the cabinet doors.

I put a portable heater in front of the open doors.

I turned on the cold water faucet to open up the line.

Eventually I heard a drip…drip…drip as the pipes unfroze.

The frigid temps have been with us all week and will stay in place for the next several days.

So for the time being, we’ll sleep with the cabinet doors left open and the cold water faucets turned to “on.”

Wyoming…always an adventure!

1 comment:

  1. Holy Toledo!!!!
    I'll stop feeling sorry for myself... That is DANG cold!!!!!

    Shiver me timbers...
