Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Paranormal Activity…?

It’s snowing again.

It got a late start…around 8 pm.

They predict between 4 and 6 inches.

It’s also gotten colder…and is supposed to be frigid…(like 4 degrees) this week.

(This afternoon, though, I was running around with just a little suede jacket…just like the locals do).

I figure, at this rate, the ice that is still on our driveway, which I never did shovel after the last snow, will be here until June.

Anyway…I took this shot earlier this evening.

It’s of our neighbor’s yard.

I liked the look of the moon poking through the clouds and gave it a try with my little Nikon.

Looks like our neighbors have some Stephen King activity going on in their backyard.

This is what I got using the flash…

Not nearly as exciting.

But the neighbor's trees with lights do look lovely in real life.


  1. Hello K!
    I love the full moon and your shots!!! I was out this morning, about 4am to take a peek... 10 degrees at that time.. very still! Very quiet! Love it like that...

    Anyway, stay warm!

  2. Very nice shots. Wyoming does look beautiful.
