Saturday, February 13, 2010

I may be a pain in the neck…

but this time, it’s for a darn good reason.

The teenager just left to meet the school bus for the long trip to Douglas.

He asked that just one of us drive him to the school. His obvious preference was for his dad to take him.

If he’d had his druthers, he’d have gone on his own.

But since he’s too young to drive, and it’s too cold and too early (6:30 am) to make the long trek to his school, he was stuck with his dad taking him.

I insisted that he take an extra jacket, and tried to add some gloves and a hat to his bundle.

I know I’m not the only mom who thinks “just in case,” i.e., just in case the bus breaks down, gets stuck in snow or gets stranded for some reason or another.

The teenager hissed at me and said: “See! This is just one of the reasons I don’t want you to go along!”

One day he’ll realize: the only reason I’m a pain in the neck is because I love him.

Well, that and because, sometimes, I just can’t seem to help myself.

1 comment:

  1. He Hissed????? Oh boy... part of me want's you to slap that boys face! But, I know, I know.. restraint! We have to be calm.. rationale. Just a light duffle bag packed w/ the goods would help! One of these days when he's a frozen popsicle and all his cool friends who listen to their moms are warm, he will reflect back on moments like these.. Let's hope.

    My kids walk down the driveway, at 7:10 am, to catch the bus, in 30 degree weather wearing light clothing... and snow is falling.. I am also the one in the doorway saying '"you need to cover your head! Were are your gloves!". So.. our compromise is they have to have stuff in their backpacks...
    Children.. They suck the life out of us:)
