Friday, February 26, 2010


There are times when I am able to take deep breaths, and not let it get to me.

There are times I’m even able to laugh at the absurd comments, most definitely meant to get under my skin.

There are times when I can close my eyes, shake my head and know that one day, this all will pass.

There are times I’m able to leave the room and count to ten, or if need be, to one hundred.

But sometimes...

Sometimes, I find it hard to be the adult, the parent.

Sometimes I find it hard to believe he’s my child, someone I carried and borne and who has half of my genes.

Sometimes, I find it difficult to walk away and not send him off to military, or boarding, school.

Sometimes, I just want to sit and cry and ask G-d, “where did I go wrong” or “what did I do to deserve someone so….ugh!”

Tonight has been one of those times.

It’s not the first time, nor will it be the last.

So tonight, I’m taking deep breaths and waiting.

Waiting for that other time…I hope it gets here soon.


  1. Oh sweetie... My heart goes out to you!!!

    Can you tell him he is hurting you??? Can you talk to the Legal Dude and have him take his son aside, and tell his son that his behavior is not appropriate and not the way to treat a woman and nor the most important woman in his life, his mother?????

    Not acceptable.. I don't care what people say about teenagers.. It should not be a write off for bad behavior!

    And as my sister says, wait until you walk in my shoes... mine aren't teens yet...

    Big hugs to you... big momma hugs...

  2. Hang in there, it gets better! Mine's 18 now and loves his mom dearly and is so sweet, but there were times (a lot) that I felt like you, it is rough.
