Monday, October 12, 2009

Tweet for the day…but DON’T tell my mom!

Has the proverbial shoe fallen for the 3rd time?

I heated the last little teeny tiny bit of half-and-half for my morning coffee.

I had the milk on the stove, on low, in this cute little tin cup (with a handle) made for scalding milk that I bought quite some time ago from Lebanese Taverna Market back home.

I was on the phone trying to find a new Doctor, and to make an appointment, for S who is still sick…poor baby…and walked away.

I was asked a LOT of questions about the patient, etc., etc.

When I was done…

Well. Let’s just say it wasn’t’ pretty.

On the bright side, I created a new food group…deep, dark brown caramelized milk chips (once you scrape it off the pan)!

Plus, I think I can salvage my little red tin heating cup…with lots of soaking and the aforementioned scraping.


I'm counting this as my "3rd." As in, things happen in 3s...

1 comment:

  1. ROFLMAO!!!
    Ok.. sorry.. but this one is funny! Because it's self induced..and 'we' do this all the time in my home.. Which is why my dh has an electric teapot..courtesy of Cesenart.. He 'burned' too many of my pots!!!
    Hope your little pot survives!
    I think you should call you local little grocer and see if they can deliver a bag of necesseties to you.. As another gal who loves her half and gotta have some:)
