Monday, September 14, 2009

More than just a Farmer’s Market (or a whole lot to learn)…

The Laramie Farmer’s Market has turned out to be more than just a bunch of kiosks where we purchase local produce and other comestibles, including the best ever kettle corn.

Last Friday, I decided to try some handmade soap with Emu oil to (hopefully) help combat the inevitable dry skin common to Wyoming. Linn, the vendor, suggested I purchase a “family-friendly” scent…Juniper Breeze.

Linn informed me that Emu Oil is an animal by-product…before she rubbed some oil onto my arm. I told her, “That’s okay, as long as the animal isn’t killed just for the oil extract.” She assured me that all parts of the animal are used. Indeed, they also sell Emu meat.

So I walked away with my bar of soap thinking…Emu must be some type of sheep…or goat…or a Lama-esque animal. You laugh!!…while Andi, is probably just rolling her eyes…at my ignorance! Yeah…I was surprised to go online and discover that a bird!!!!

I’m glad to know I’m still not too old to learn a thing or two…and you might just find a handmade bar of soap with Emu oil in your holiday stocking this year!

Later, when Linn saw me leaving the market, she caught up with me to tell me about the local square dancing club, which of course, I had already looked into--- but can you see S square dancing?! Umm…don’t think so!
Lots of nice and friendly people here in Laramie.

Hasta entonces…


  1. Too darn cute!!!! Emu's remind me of ostridges.. one of those funky animals that you just don't ride, or rope or brand.. I could be wrong...
    Come to think of it..I have seen Ostridge Races..
    Now remember, I've only been in the ranch wife business for 14 years! I had my moments...too!!
    Square Dancing: That is how my in-laws met! No joke!

  2. Of course I can see S square dancing! Although I have an easier time envisioning him doing a moon walk or disco.
