Thursday, September 10, 2009

Peaks and Valleys

Since moving in 3 weeks ago, I’ve hit the "peaks" and the "valleys." Up until last week, I was more-or-less up near the peak. Then…Bam! By mid-week I tumbled at an extraordinarily fast speed down into the valley. I just wanted to be back home…in my house…or having coffee and a bagel with a walking buddy…planning a dinner party…or just hitting all the familiar places.

I’ve made my way back up the peak, but it’s been somewhat of a slippery slope with some backsliding.

Maybe it’s the moon, which was totally awesome last week.

Yesterday afternoon was one of those “aha” moments…I remembered we’re on a journey, which, despite the occasional tumbling into the valley, is also an adventure full of exciting “firsts” and new beginnings and that we’re lucky to have this opportunity to explore another slice of life in this great big country. (Of course…Europe would have been a great option too!)

So here’s to the peaks and the valleys…and all that’s in between.

Thanks for checking in…

1 comment:

  1. Oh yes... the peaks and valleys!!!!
    Here's a valley I have not forgotten.. or a bottomless pit.. have not figured which:
    One time, when my husband was gone I had to get water to some sheep that lambed by mistake (we lamb in May - not December, but the ram had his own ideas when he snuck in to be with the ewes)... It was in December.. and it was about 25 below.. And, this is not normal.. Our 25 below usually doesn't hit until January!!!
    Trouble was, these sheep were in an area that we don't have any running water to.. So, I drug hoses from the pump house, per my husbands instructions, where we had them stored, and got them all lined out, then went back to the pump house to turn on the water... went back to the end of the hoses, and nothing..
    I tried disconnecting hoses - to see if one had ice, trudging back and forth in the snow.. and miserable.. and hot in all my snow gear...
    I gave up.
    Then I had a bright idea: bring buckets inside the house and fill them up!! Yeah!
    Then found out the water to the house wasn't working either...
    I cried. And wished I was back in CA...
    I called my husband..
    He said he would deal with it when he came home and that the water to the house would not work because I left the door to the pump house open, and therefore the heater in there failed to heat the water pipe...
    I went back out.. put all the hoses back in, shut the door, and ten minutes later, I had water.

    Peaks and Valleys.. Indeed.
    Hang in there girl... I know the feeling! I know the loneliness of wanting your girlfriends and only having your kids and husband...
    Which we love, but there's nothing like those girls!!!!!
    Sending you some peaks!
