Monday, January 4, 2010

5… maybe 6…

That’s the amount of fat I brought back home to Laramie…"on" me.

I thought the “protective layer” of winter fat was supposed to emerge in the cold climes…not in the warm, balmy climes of Georgia.

Then again…I downed tons and tons of sashimi with a few brewskies while in Atlanta.

[Courtsey of Clip Art]

Then while in Chicago…Italian Beef sandwiches and Chicago-style hot dogs (both with fries, thank you very much); Mexican food; ham and turkey with all the trimmings; and a breakfast of pancakes, bacon and eggs…every-single-morning!

[Courtesy Clip Art]

I might have to try that Paleo Diet.

You know…what the caveman/hunter/gatherers ate before the agricultural boom of the Neolithic period.

I hear tell our Paleo ancestors were pretty lean and trim.

Really! I just read about this diet…in The Washington Post no less.

No grains, legumes, or starches…just meat, fresh fruits and vegetables and nuts.

Sounds a bit

Except for the grapefruit diet in college…remember that, girls?...I’ve never really been big on diets.

So I guess I’ll have to learn to snowshoe and cross country ski.


Maybe I should try the diet after all…


  1. girlfriend....
    The reason the cavemen were lean and mean is because they had to hoof it everywhere and RUN from big ol' nasty creatures!!!!!! It must have been one huge adrenaline rush!

    I've never been good at diets.. it's exercise that keeps me lean.. back when I was lean!

    I have snowshoes! Wish you were closer!

  2. Don't worry those pounds will be back off sooner than you think. I am kind of on that Paleo diet now that I am off of HCG... Carbs and sugars are not so kind to the body. :)

    Thank you so very much for your kind and encouraging words. It meant so much to me! Year after year I get better and better at not letting my mother get to me- but you are right it will always be hard.

    Btw, I would love to come over and teach you some tricks of the blogspot trade. :) That would be really fun- I will be in touch! Thanks again... have a great rest of your week!
