Thursday, January 7, 2010

How does that saying go…

‘Don’t dish it out if you can’t take it.’

I made the teenager an after-school snack.

(Clip Art)

One of my favorites...Mexican hot chocolate and crusty bread that has been toasted in the oven...perfect for a (well-) below zero day!

The teenager also loves this snack and was waxing and waning how tasty it was, especially the crusty, oven toasted bread.

I jokingly told him…”I don’t make these snacks for you because I love you…I make them so that you’ll have nice memories,” which, in-fact, is partly true.

I do want him to have nice memories.

But I make them because I love him.

He shot back…”So that I’ll put you in a nice nursing home?!”


Such stingers…from one so young!

I’m glad, though, that he has such quick come-backs.

A quick wit = a quick mind.

1 comment:

  1. That's gotta be one of the funniest things I've heard in a while.
