Saturday, January 23, 2010

The Legal Dude is...Harsh!

The Legal Dude has been reviewing some of my written class work. Grudgingly, I might add.

Boy is he harsh.

He’s a wordsmith.

I am not.

He doesn’t like silly (stupid) mistakes.

He can’t understand how students can get to law school and not know how to write.

I’m not a law student.

I am, however, old enough to know better.

He doesn’t like ellipses. He hates them.

I love ellipses and yes, I overuse them.

Proper punctuation has never been one of my strong points. I’ve never been able to keep the rules in my head.

Ellipses also help with run on sentences. Or so I tell myself.

Also, I’m one of those who think ellipses proffer a more relaxed, conversational tone.

Excuses, I know, for sheer laziness.

But I also like the way they look…even though I know it’s wrong.

Plus, the auto correct on my computer seems to like ellipses. It never auto corrects when using them.

But back to the Legal Dude…

He’s gotten into my brain (just like he wormed his way into my heart).

“Cut it out already with the ellipses!”


Well, Maybe? Just at the end of the very last sentence…

1 comment:

  1. What does he think of the em dash?
    I prefer em dashes. I only use ellipses when quoting something and the ellipses represent a part of the quotation which is omitted.
    Well, at least you aren't overusing the exclamation points. I don't understand people who use an exclamation point at the end of 90 percent of their sentences.
    What's up with that?!?!!!!!
